关于手机无线充电器和有线充电器的用户体验调查问卷 An investigation on user experience about wirelesswired charger.

您好,这是一个关于对无线充电器和有线充电器的用户体验的调查问卷。整个问卷只有5道题,可能会花费您3~5分钟完成问卷,您的一切回答将会全部保密, 数据只会用于学术论文研究。感谢您的参与! Hello, this questionnaire will investigate your experience about using wireless or wired charger.There are only five questions in the questionnaire, and it might takes your 3-5 minutes to complete this. All the information you fill in will be confidential,and these will only be used in a academic dissertation.Thanks for your cooperation!

关于手机无线充电器和有线充电器的用户体验调查问卷 An investigation on user experience about wirelesswired charger.

5题  |  0次引用

