International Stream Application Form国际融合转学申请表

1.This form is only used for primary and secondary students application request of international stream.此表仅适用报考国际融合课程的中小学生2.Please pay attention to this form is only available and valid for students who have got Shanghai or National students ID.填表时注意,申请人必须已经持有上海或外地中小学学籍3.Interview will only be provided at appropriate time upon the vacancies finally.最终视名额统计结果,酌情择时安排面试4.Interview arrangement please wait to see the Email confirmation from admissions office.面试安排以招生部邮件通知为准5.Interview normally is on workday of end of May and June. 面谈一般从五月底至六月的工作日进行

International Stream Application Form国际融合转学申请表

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