食堂用餐体验调查问卷 The Research on Experience in School Cafeteria

亲爱的老师同学们:大家好!转眼间9月份已经过去,不知在这一个月里大家对于新学期食堂的方方面面有何感受?为此,我们特意制作此问卷,想要了解您们的想法和需求。希望您可以认真填写此问卷,留下您的声音!学生会管理部Dear teachers and students,Hello everyone! It has been a month since the new term began. We really want to know how you feel about the food in the school cafeteria this month. Therefore, we made this questionnaire in order to understand your thoughts and needs. We sincerely hope you can fill out this questionnaire carefully and leave your thoughts here!Management Department, Student Union

食堂用餐体验调查问卷 The Research on Experience in School Cafeteria

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