Campus Card Application 校园卡申请表

如果你需要申请校园卡,请在2016年10月23号之前完成信息登记,并上传你的找照片信息,错过申请截止日期的同学需要等待至下一学期。请认真填写你的个人信息,选择正确的专业。你上传的照片即为你校园卡上的照片,请上传合适的照片。再次强调,申请截止日期是2016年10月23日。谢谢配合!To apply thecampus card, please complete the information registration and upload your photobefore 23th October 2016. If you miss the deadline you have to wait for anotherschool year. Please fill in this form carefully, choose the correct program,and upload a passport size photo as it will be the one on your campuscard. Again, attention please, the deadline is 23th October 2016!! Thanks foryour cooperation!

Campus Card Application 校园卡申请表

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