关于特定人群时尚品味的调查问卷 Questionnaire On Fashion Tastes Of Specific Groups Of People

本问卷不涉及任何个人身份信息的填写,旨在进一步了解和比较特定人群的时尚品味。为了获得准确可靠的结果,我们很遗憾不能提供更多有关本研究的信息。如果这让您感到不舒服,您有权选择不参与填写。然而如果您愿意参与填写,我们感谢您能够独立并诚实完成每一个问题。 Preface: This questionnaire does not consist of any question related to personal identification and the purpose of this questionnaire is to further understand and compare the fashion tastes of specific groups of people. To retain the accuracy and reliability of the results, we are sorry that no more information about this research can be given. If this makes you uncomfortable completing this survey, feel free to decline our request. However, if you choose to participate in the survey, we appreciate that every question is answered via your own effort and in total honesty.

关于特定人群时尚品味的调查问卷 Questionnaire On Fashion Tastes Of Specific Groups Of People

5题  |  0次引用

