FY16戴尔成都安防部服务质量及满意度调查FY16Dell Chengdu Security Team Service Quality and Satisfaction Survey

亲爱的同事,感谢您在过去的时间里对安防部工作的支持与配合!为了在2016年不断完善所提供的各项服务和支持,继续为大家创造安全舒适的工作环境,我们非常感激您能配合完成以下调查,您的认可、意见和建议将是我们不断进步的动力和方向!   Dear all,Thank you for your support and cooperation in the past time! To improve Dell Chengdu Security Team's service and create a safe and comfortable workplace for all employees, visitors and suppliers in the second year. We are grateful that you can cooperate and complete the following survey.Your comments and suggestions will be our motivation and direction of the progress.

FY16戴尔成都安防部服务质量及满意度调查FY16Dell Chengdu Security Team Service Quality and Satisfaction Survey

18题  |  1次引用

