菲律宾大学生华裔青少年语言使用情况、汉语学习与认同意识调查Chinese Learning、Use and Identity Awareness of Philippine Chinese Youth2

Dear Respondents,I, the student of Hua Qiao University is conducting a research entitled. “菲律宾华裔青少年语言使用情况、汉语学习与认同意识调查Chinese Learning、Use and Identity Awareness of Philippine Chinese Youth”In line with this, I am asking for your honest  response in answeringthe following items. The gathered data will be strictly use for this researchand will be kept with outmost confidentiality.Thank you and God Bless.                                                                                                            Yours Truly, Vicky Zhou  

菲律宾大学生华裔青少年语言使用情况、汉语学习与认同意识调查Chinese Learning、Use and Identity Awareness of Philippine Chinese Youth2

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