
0707 2021年STP餐厅服务调查表(STP Canteen Service Survey for Y2021)

您在公司服务的年限?(How long have you served in the company?)
2年以下(Less than 2 years)
2年-5年(2 years-5 years)
6年-8年(6 years-8 years)
超过8年(More than 8 years)
您的年龄?(What is your age?)
25周岁以下(Under 25 years old)
25–35周岁(25 – 35 years old)
36–45周岁(36 – 45 years old)
46–55周岁(46 – 55 years old)
55周岁以上(Over 55 years old)
您的性别?(What is your gender?)
关于中式套餐档口,您觉得口味不错的是?(Regarding the Chinese set meal, which ones do you think taste good?)
彩椒烩鱼片(Braised Fish Fillet with Colorful Pepper)
酱爆肉丁(Fried pork in soy sauce)
八宝糯米鸭(Glutinous rice and duck)
荠菜肉糜烩芋艿(Shepherds purse meat minced meat round)
木耳南瓜炒肉片(Fried sauteed Pork with Fungus and Pumpkin)
芹菜干丝炒肉丝(Fried Pork Slice with Celery and dofu)
清炒小唐菜(Fried vegetables )
今日未选择该档口(The stall was not selected today)
关于中式套餐档口,您觉得口味不佳的是?(Regarding the Chinese set meal, which ones do you think taste bad?)
彩椒烩鱼片(Braised Fish Fillet with Colorful Pepper)
酱爆肉丁(Fried pork in soy sauce)
八宝糯米鸭(Glutinous rice and duck)
荠菜肉糜烩芋艿(Shepherds purse meat minced meat round)
木耳南瓜炒肉片(Fried sauteed Pork with Fungus and Pumpkin)
芹菜干丝炒肉丝(Fried Pork Slice with Celery and dofu)
清炒小唐菜(Fried vegetables )
今日未选择该档口(The stall was not selected today)