

Part A Read Aloud: Please read the following 2 paragraphs aloud. Record your answers into one file with your smartphone and upload the recording.Part A: 朗读:请大声朗读下面的两个语段,并将你的朗读内容录音成一个文件上传。
Part B Repeat Sentences: Listen to the recording and repeat the sentences. There are 16 sentences in total, you should play the recording of them while recording your repeats. When the recording is finished, upload it here.Part B重复句子:朗读听到的句子。共有16个句子,请使用电脑外放音频,并使用手机自带的录音功能将本题所有答案录制成一个音频上传。
Part C Sentence Builds: Listen to the recording and put what you hear into correct order to make a complete sentence. There are 10 sentences in total, you should play the recording of them while recording your answers. When the recording is finished, upload it here.Part C 句子重组:将听到的乱序句子组成正确完整的句子,共有10个句子,请使用电脑外放音频,并使用手机自带的录音功能将本题所有答案录制成一个音频上传。
Part D Conversations: Listen to the recording and answer the questions. There are 8 questions in total, you should play the recording of them while recording your answers. When the recording is finished, upload it here.Part D 对话题目:听录音,口头回答问题,共有8个题目,请使用电脑外放音频,并使用手机自带的录音功能将本题所有答案录制成一个音频上传。
Part I Summary and Opinion (2): Read the passage and answer the question: Do you agree or disagree with authors opinion? Write more than 50 words.Part I 总结和观点(2):请阅读本周所学习的短文,并回答上面的问题。请写不少于50字。