

2. Mary rushed home________she heard the news, only________that his wife was gone.
A. as soon as; finding
B. immediately; to find
C. the moment; find
D. when; found
4._________breaks the law should be punished.
A. Those who
B. Anyone whom
C. No matter who
D. Whoever
5. When I returned to my hometown, I foundit_________completely.
A. have changed
B. has changed
C. changed
D. changing
8. —Which team is_______to win the game?—In myopinion, it is_______ for our teamto win.
A. probable; likely
B. possible; probable
C. likely; probable
D. likely; possible
9. During the terrible storm last night, a_________tree fell over a___________car and caused_______ .
A. falling; slept; great damages
B. fallen; slept; a great deal of damage
C. falling; sleeping; a great deal of damage
D. falling; sleeping; great damages