

A. 交响乐团乐器类
B. 声乐与合作钢琴
C. 世界音乐(仅包括 二胡/琵琶/打击乐)
D. 未来大师营(2019年7月24日前已满10岁未满14岁的学生)
E. 表演艺术商业管理(仅限18岁以上的学生,2019年7月24日前已满18岁)
音乐节免责条款以官方语言为英文 MPF Responsibility Waiver (official language: English)By signing this registration form, students, participants and/or parents agree to accept full financial responsibility for any and all damages to property caused by the participant or medical expenses incurred by the participant not covered by the basic medical insurance while at the festival or on the American Musical Journey Trip arranged by MPF. 通过签署此申请表,学生,参与者和/或家长同意接受在音乐节或MPF安排的活动期间(包括美国音乐之旅)造成的任何和财产损失的全部财务责任,和未参加基本医疗保险的参与者所产生的医疗费用负责。I understand that MPF may, from time to time, make video or audio recordings, as well as take photographs of me during the activities of MPF and AMJ. I allow MPF to use these materials worldwide in any format for publicity purpose without compensation to me, and waive the right to inspect or proof the finished recordings and/or publication use.我同意,名家音乐节(MPF)可制作录像或录音,并在名家音乐节(MPF)及美国音乐之旅(AMJ)活动期间拍摄我的照片。我允许MPF以任何形式在世界范围内使用这些资料以作宣传用途而无需向我付费,并放弃检查或证明完成的录音和/或出版物非盈利使用的权利。University of Delaware, China Music Foundation, Blue Resources USA LLC, and MPF staff and faculty cannot be held responsible, in the absence of their own gross neglect, for events over which they have no control, nor for acts and omissions by persons, companies or agencies, including hotels, airlines, restaurants, sea and land transportation companies, which are not directly controlled by University of Delaware, China Music Foundation, Blue Resources USA LLC, and MPF/UD staff and faculty. 由于参与者个人的疏忽,音乐节及特拉华大学控制外的原因,以及不属于此次音乐节的任何公司和机构(包括:酒店、航空、餐馆、海运及陆运公司)的疏忽或延误,而导致参与者的缺席,特拉华大学、中国音乐基金会(USA)、Blue Resources USA LLC和名家音乐节(MPF)、特拉华大学员工和音乐节教职员工将不承担任何责任。