Survey on performance of eBay关于eBay中国市场的调查问卷

Dear respondents: I am the Master student from University of Birmingham. In order to complete the dissertation, I need to do some research for eBay. This survey may take up to five minutes of your time. The data collected is for statistical and academic research purposes only and it is conducted in an anonymous form, the personal information involved will be kept completely confidential. Thank you very much for your participation. If you have any question, please conteact me via the Email Adress:亲爱的受访者:您好!我是一名伯明翰大学国际商务专业的研究生。 为了完成毕业论文设计,我需要做一些关于eBay在中国的市场调查。 此调查可能需要占用您五分钟的时间。 收集的数据仅用于统计和学术研究目的,并以匿名的形式进行,所涉及到的个人信息将完全保密。 非常感谢您的参与! 如果您有任何疑问,请通过电子邮件地址与我联系 再次感谢您!

Survey on performance of eBay关于eBay中国市场的调查问卷

22题  |  0次引用

