欢迎预约包校小学部探索日 Join us for information meeting with principals!

欢迎预约包校小学部探索日,您有机会与小学部执行校长面对面交流,了解包校的课程和教育理念。 时间:2017年2月25日 星期六 上午9:00-11:30地点:包校小学部(长宁区武定西路1251弄20号)  英文组说明:针对非中国籍学生且学生家长有一方为外籍,家庭主要交流语言为非中文。会议语言:英文  Date: February 25 2017 (Saturday) 9: 00-11:30amVenue: Primary Division, Pao School YK Pao School's Primary Division is now accepting reservations for our information meetings! Come and meet our principals, learn more about our educational programmes as well as obtain admissions information. Instruction for English-language group: this session is for students who are non-Chinese citizens, have one non-Chinese parent and speak a language other than Chinese at home. The conference language is English.

欢迎预约包校小学部探索日 Join us for information meeting with principals!

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