
Thank you for attending the 9th Prestige Brands Forum 2017. Please take 2 minutes to complete below questionnaire to help us improve our events in the future. You may collect a delicate gift from CEIBS with the submission screenshot. Your participation will be highly appreciated. Thank you.


2017第九届顶级品牌高峰论坛在线评估表The 9th Prestige Brands Forum 2017EvaluationForm


Thank you for attending the 9th Prestige Brands Forum 2017. Please take 2 minutes to complete below questionnaire to help us improve our events in the future. You may collect a delicate gift from CEIBS with the submission screenshot. Your participation will be highly appreciated. Thank you.

您对我们2017第九届顶级品牌高峰论坛的总体印象如何?How would you rate the 9th Prestige Brands Forum 2017?
满意度 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
谁的演讲最令您印象深刻?Would you list the speaker whose presentation hasimpressed you the most?
王硕 Bryan Wang
朱文华 Zhu Wenhua
马烈 Frank Ma
Luca Solca
Clemens Pflanz
葛文耀 Ge Wenyao
尹一丁 Eden Yin
Michel Gutsatz
吉良先生 Mr. Kira
翁诗雅 Sophia Ong
王敏莉 Sharon Wang
Bruno Lannes
李杨 Peter Lee
江玑若 Alvin Kong
Siegmund Dukek
谁的主持最令您印象深刻?Who has impressed you the most as moderator?
王婧 Jane Wang
金妮 Genie Chin
Michel Gutsatz
Yvonne Wang
唐海荣 Irene Tang
您认为下届论坛还应涵盖哪些主题?Please list any topics thatyou would like us to cover on a future occasion.
您是否是中欧校友?Are you CEIBS Alumnus?
是 Yes
否 No
您的工作年限?Your year of work experience?
10年以上 Over 10 years
5-10年 5 to 10 years
2-5年 2 to 5 years
2年以下Under 2 years
您是否有兴趣进一步了解中欧以下课程?(多选)Are you interested in learning more about the programmes below offered by CEIBS? (Multiple Choice)
a)全日制工商管理硕士课程(英文)Full-time MBA Programme
b)在职金融工商管理硕士课程(中文)Part-time FMBA Programme
c)高层管理人员工商管理硕士课程(中文)EMBA Programme
d)高层管理人员工商管理硕士课程(英文) Global EMBA
e)高层经理培训课程(总经理课程) Executive Education (Advanced Management Programme)
f)否 No